Thursday, May 5, 2011

Revenge of the Floral

outfit deets: shoes - c/o Big Buddha // pants - H&M // lace tank - Bicyclette // blazer -thrifted vintage // bobby pin - gift from Adrienne's trip to Chile!

It's no secret that I am addicted to all things floral. I think the print just suits my personality best. It's girly and colourful, sprightly and playful and yet there can be a side to it that is kind of reserved and serious. Is anyone picking up what I am putting down about floral? In any case, most days I think floral fits my mood just right.

As a result - I have a closet full of floral. It's not just reserved to skirts and dresses anymore either. As you have seen the print has now made it's way to my blazers and backpacks. I am now even the owner of a pair of floral jeans! Those have yet to be showcased on the blog for lack of appropriate weather but trust me... they're coming.

It's funny because past the age of 6 I had a bit of an aversion to flowery prints, I think I used to be kind of afraid of them and stuck to plaids and stripes throughout most of my teen aged years. They're back in my life now though, and with a vengeance and quite honestly I think they will be here to stay - in some way or another.

xo Robyn

p.s. I'm wearing pants, AGAIN! *brain explosion*

p.p.s. I was amazed to discover the blazer is 10% flax! I didn't even know flax could be used to make clothing. I have stumbled into a whole new world.

p.p.p.s. I watched Revenge of the Nerds for the first time the other night (hence the blog title). It was all kinds of ridiculous.

< 3

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